Quantum Simply Cellular is a mixture of four highly uniform microbead populations which differ by their incremental capacities to bind mouse immunoglobulin. A non-binding population of microbeads is included to serve as a negative control indicating the detection limit of the cytometer. The microbeads are approximately the size of lymphocytes and are supplied suspended in phosphate buffered saline containing preservatives and surfactants.
Quantum Simply Cellular microbeads are designed as a general reagent for use in direct or indirect assays with any fluorochrome. The fluorochrome may be conjugated to a primary mouse antibody or a secondary anti-mouse antibody. Microbeads bind primary or secondary staining reagents through a covalently bound polyclonal goat anti-mouse antibody. This antibody has balanced reactivity against mouse IgG1, IgG2a, and IgG2b immunoglobulin isotypes.
Quantum Simply Cellular microbeads are accompanied by QuickCal for Quantum Simply Cellular, a data analysis software program containing the lot-specific ABC assignments for each microbead population. This lot-specific version is shipped with each kit.