FACS 440 spare parts

Thomas Delohery (t-delohery@ski.mskcc.org)
Wed, 20 Jul 1994 10:28:33 +0530

For me, the recent discussion regarding BD's "Attractors" software
was very entertaining if not informative. One of the more interesting
things to come out was the fact that BD doesn't consider ConsortVAX
to be a "current" acquisition software. That being the case, I'm calling
on BD to do the research community a service and release ConsortVAX
to the public domain. The author of CVAX, Bob Murphy, has urged BD
to release it to no avail.

At least the analysis portions of CVAX (disp4(8), disp2d, hidden, cotfit)
could be released in the public domain with a disclaimer by BD saying the
software is "unsupported" and they would only be responsible for
"supporting" CVAX that people have purchased from BD.

The argumentative tone of the "Attractors" discussion shows there is a lot
of frustration among the flow community (at least the research folks) with
available software. CVAX should be added to WinMDI, MFI and IDLYK
as freeware in the public domain so that people with the ability and inclination
to improve or adapt the programs to their needs can do so.

I remember a couple of years ago on this bulletin board someone requesting
Bob to release the CVAX code in the public domain (Leon? in Australia?).
If others are interested, I suggest they post something here as it's obvious
that BD is listening.

tom d.

 Tom Delohery                           | Internet: t-delohery@ski.mskcc.org
 Manager, Flow Cytometry Core Facility  |    Phone: (212) 639-8729
 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center |      Fax: (212) 794-4019

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