I was interested to see the recent flurry of communication about
having B_D put ConsortVax in the public domain. The last time I made
that suggestion in this forum there was relatively little response and
I assumed there were few of us still running our FACS's with VAX's.
We at WEHI are. My reason for writing is to contact others who may
possibly be doing ACQ8 development (or thinking about it) with a few
to joint problem solving. I can't discuss any actual problems here as
B_D have sworn me to secrecy about the content of this exotic piece of
software that is ConsortVax (Yes, I have the source code). I hope ACQ8
fans will contact me (address below).
I think B_D is to be commended on releasing the code to its customers.
The effect is to allow continued *better utilisation* of *existing*
cytometry systems without impinging at all on possible future
commercial oportunities (B_D's or third party's). Any new
*analytical* software purchase decisions of ours will not be affected
and our next cell sorter will run whatever software is supplied with
it. In the interim, we will just be able to push back the frontiers
of human knowledge a little faster as we make better use of the tools
we have.
On another matter, someone wanted info on AMRAD. AMRAD in Australia
is now AMRAD Pharmacia Biotech. If you really need the Australian
office: phone 61_2_367 4200, fax: 61_2_367 4250. Or, alternatively
contact Pharmacia in Piscataway NJ.
Regards to all, | | < Frank: battye@wehi.edu.au
\__/ <<<<< The Walter & Eliza Hall Institute
---------------!!<<<<<<<< Post Office, Royal Melbourne Hospital
/!!\ <<<<< Victoria 3050, Australia
o !! \ < ph: 61_3_345 2541, fax: 61_3_347 0852