Alot of people use Nycodenz and dilute with NaCl diluent to a final
density that suits them. You need to keep the osmolality good for your
particular cells.
Write to Nycomed at:
P.O.Box 4284 Torshov,
N-0401 Oslo 4, Norway
Telephone +47 2 22 62 60
FAX +47 2 22 64 90
Good luck,
Rochelle Diamond
Applications Specialist
Flow Cytometry/Cell Sorting Facility
Division of Biology
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena CA 91125
On Tue, 24 Jan 1995, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution wrote:
> Hello to all! A basic question to all you fish immunologists out there.
> How does one go about separating fish lymphocytes on ficoll hypaque for
> flow analyses. I tried using the 1.070 ficoll hypaque, but the RBC's and
> WBC's just sit on top of the gradient after centrifugation (they dont
> enter the gradient) SO the gradient must be too dense! Can one dilute
> ficoll hypaque and get the "right" density to achieve separation?
> Thanks for any replies!
> --Ross-- (blub blub)
> Ross E. Longley, Ph.D. * Harbor Branch Oceanographic Inst., Inc.
> Immunology Group Leader * 5600 U.S. Highway #1, North
> Div. Biomed. Marine Res. * Fort Pierce, FL 34946
> Phone (407) 465-2400, 486
> FAX (407) 465-1523
> e-Mail