Re: fluorescence quenching
Alice L. Givan (Alice.L.Givan@Dartmouth.EDU)
02 Feb 95 16:45:30 EST
Read an article in a recent issue of Cytometry (17:294) by Amersfoort and
Strijp -- about how different brands of Trypan Blue quench more or less
efficiently (Merck was best). This explained to me why I wasn't able to
quench FITC fluorescence well -- even with Trypan blue as thick as sludge.
We did have good luck quenching with an anti-FITC antibody from Molecular
Probes (an expensive way to go, if Merck TB would do just as well....).
Haven't tried it with beads.
Alice Givan
Englert Cell Analysis Laboratory
Dartmouth Medical School
Lebanon, NH, USA
tel 603-650-7907
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