Calcium analysis

Eric Miller (
Fri, 9 Feb 1996 11:01:03 +0000 (GMT)

Hi "Flowers(!)"
Anyone out there doing Calcium analysis on a Facscan? I've been
having a go using Fluo-3 and Fura red, both separately and in
combination, with some fairly encouraging results. I use Lysys II on a
Hewlett- Packard uprated 310 computer, but the analysis side is fairly
tedious, since I need a 6 minute time course, and the *** computer won't
do ratioing for me. Has anyone any thoughts about the best way to analyse
and present these results, given that the analysis has to be done within
Lysys II? I have tried to get assistance from B-D in the UK without success.
Please help. If this doesn't work I have been threatened with a

Eric P Miller
Edinburgh Medical Oncology Unit

"I am Pentium of Borg. Division is will be approximated."
Star Trek - Generations. Two Captains, one density.

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