Re: Compensation versus antibody interactions

Dr. Gregor Rothe (
Tue, 13 Feb 1996 07:58:04 +0100

> >
> >What happens to the compensation if you are running two antibodies (one
> FITC, one PE) which are interacting with each other or are recognising the
> same antigen? I'm looking at autoantibodies against platelet antigens using
> an anti-CD41-PE and an anti-human Ig-FITC. I can set my compensation
> correctly on some samples but others (which may have weaker fluorescence)
> behave as though no compensation has been performed.
> >
> Jenny Bryant

There will be a spectral shift depending on the distance of the
fluorophores. E.g. FITC-Emission generated by an PLA1
alloantibody will be absorbed by an anti-GpIIb/IIIa monoclonal
depending on distance of the epitopes. The method can
be used for the characterization of human anti-platelet
antibodies. We published the method in
J. Immunol. Methods 187: 53-67, 1995.

Gregor Rothe

Institute for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
University of Regensburg
D-93042 Regensburg, F.R. Germany

Tel. +49 (941) 944-6204
Fax +49 (941) 944-6202


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