As our only flow cytometer is usually busy acquiring data, I installed
the WinMDI software and paraphenalia on a PC. Though luck, though,
becuase I can't get the HPdir and HPcopy prg's to copy the data files
from drive to harddisc. It keeps returning "error 158". Hints, anybody?
Tech specs: B-D FACScan, HP series 300 type 9000 computer with HP9153C
disc drive, running under HP pascal 3.0. The PC is a standard 486 DX-2
(66 MHz) clone, with standard highdensity 3.5" drive.
Guy Hermans
PhD Student
Immunology and MS research unit Fysiology Dept., Immun research
Dr. L. Willems-Institute Limburg University Centre
University Campus University Campus
B-3590 Diepenbeek B-3590 Diepenbeek
Belgium Belgium
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