In light of that, when I sought out other Cytomation users, I went to
the general cytometry mail. I would like to hear from all of you out
there as to how it is best to communicate amongst ourselves and
Cytomation. Where would it be easiest to communicate via e-mail?? It
had been suggested to me some time ago to try to general cytometry
mail,as an alternative, when the Cicero mail received little response.
I will update as to communication I have received from Cytomation since
the note about v3.14. An hour after I finally edited and sent the
e-mail I received disks for v3.14D. Noah Hadas called later that
afternoon. He is Vice Pres. of Marketing and Sales. He wanted to know
if I had the new disks and when I would load it. I will not have a
significant SORTing break until tomorrow (Fri). We hope to do it
More communication between Cicero users would be helpful to all of us.
What versions are you using?? What should we all watch out for?? Does
anyone use this version on a Pentium??
Let's talk!!!
Wendy Schober Baylor College of Medicine Houston, Texas