TUNEL-mouse hepatocytes
Ton.Kiki (ton@NIEHS.NIH.GOV)
Fri, 14 Jul 1995 09:52:27 -0400
We're trying to detect apoptosis in treated mouse livers. The livers were
perfused with collagenase and teased apart to obtain cells. Hepatocytes were
fixed (2% paraformaldehyde), permeabilized (70% ETOH), and labeled by TUNEL.
Unfortunately, our results have been inconsistent and not very good lately
(no labeling). We use TdT and fluorescein-dUTP from Boehringer Manheim.
Is anyone doing something similar and/or have helpful suggestions? Any help
would be greatly appreciated.
K. Ton
NIEHS, Lab. Experimental Pathology
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