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Subject: colour overlap HELP!
Author: J.Webster@centenary.usyd.edu.au (Joseph Webster) at smtpmed
Date: 8/20/95 6:10 PM
Greeting All
Has anyone seen PE overlap into the Texas Red channel on a 2-laser sorter?
FACStar Plus, 1992 vintage
laser 1 = 488nm argon;
FL1 - FITC, FL2 - PE
laser 2 = Coherent dye laser;
FL3/2 - TxRed, FL4 - APC
All optical filters are standard as provided by BD.
We are getting a shift of up to half a log in the TxRED background that is
proportional to the PE signal!!!?
I've not had time to do much apart from reproducing the effect to prove it
is really there.
There are many things to check out, but...
Has anyone seen this?
Does anyone know what's happening?
How do I fix it?
Joseph Webster (O.I.C. Flow Cytometry & Communications) ===
Centenary Institute of cancer Medicine & Cell Biology / \
Locked Bag No.6 || o o ||
Newtown, NSW 2042 || | ||
AUSTRALIA. | \___/ |
Ph: 61-2-565-6110 \ /
Fax: 61-2-565-6101 |||||
E-Mail: J.Webster@centenary.usyd.edu.au