re: Doublet Correction for cell cycle analysis

Michael Fox (MFox@vines.ColoState.EDU)
Wed, 23 Aug 95 16:23:22 MDT

Regarding doublet correction, I am sure that there will be some differences
of opinion from the software modelers. I have done some fairly extensive
analysis of this problem, some of which was presented at the Bergen meeting,
and there is potentially a much larger change in phase fractions when using
software correction of clumps than when using gating (peak vs integral) and
it was not very reproducible when using identical samples which had been
split before analysis or staining. I believe that it is always preferable to
eliminate the clumps by gating the original histograms on peak vs integral,
even though this may not completely eliminate them. You may of course follow
that up with software analysis. As with everything, the worse the original
data, the more difficult the job with either type of correction and the less
reliable the final result.

Mike Fox
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523

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