Yes, we are using a P/Mac 6100/60 for offline analysis with CellQuest.
It is O/K in 16Mb RAM, but some users insist on running Cellquest & Canvas
together to cut & paste.
They wonder why they keep getting "low memory" problems....
We don't have any experience with PC emulation, or dual processor Mac/Win
We have NOT tried data acquisition with it, and don't intend to at this
We are also running CellQuest for offline analysis on a Mac IIci!!!
With 17Mb RAM it is quite usable, though not blindingly fast.
Joseph Webster (O.I.C. Flow Cytometry & Communications) ===
Centenary Institute of cancer Medicine & Cell Biology / \
Locked Bag No.6 || o o ||
Newtown, NSW 2042 || | ||
AUSTRALIA. | \___/ |
Ph: 61-2-565-6110 \ /
Fax: 61-2-565-6101 |||||