Re: Calculation of C classes in endoreduplicating nuclei

Thu, 12 Oct 1995 09:20:35 GMT0BST

Dear Gerard,
Its nice to see that someone else still uses the EPICS/MDADS system.

At Nottingham we use an EPICS 541with the original MDADS for DNA
content/ploidy determinations of isolated plant nuclei. We use error
correction and background subtraction to determine the number of
nuclei and mean linear fluorescence of each peak
I normally collect log green fluorescence histograms and mix a few
beads with each sample. I use the serial port on the back of the
MDADS to 'transmit' (data analysis .. disk functions) up to 60
histograms to a PC as an ASCII text string. On the PC these appear
as a large single file. I then use my programme DECONC to convert
this single file back to individual histograms. Finally I run my
programme DNAnalyst to analyse each histogram.

DECONC and DNAnalyst are both Turbo C/C++ compiled programmes which
run under MSDOS and couold be made available to you on an 'as is'

Nigel Blackhall,
Experimental Officer, Plant Genetic Manipulation Group,
Department of Life Science, University of Nottingham,
University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK

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