There is a good detergent I have been using for a few years now on a
FACScan. It is a detergent commercialized by Coultronics : Coulter Clenz
(cat.: 8448222 in France)
-----> no cristal problem !
-----> no facs tubing or viewing orifice deterioration or clogging !
The way I use the Coulter Clenz is pretty simple. When the last Facs user
of the day is finished with the machine, I ask him to drain and fill the
flow cell two or three times as usual, to install a sample tube of Coulter
Clenz for the night and to turn off the machine. The quantity of Coulter
Clenz is sufficient enough to diffuse in the capillary tube and the viewing
orifice during the night or the week-end. During the day I only ask the
facs users to install a sample tube with Facsflow in order to avoid drying
You can also use the Coulter Clenz the way you use the sodium hypochlorite
It is also far more efficient for tubing cleaning when you have used
Propidium Iodide or Acridine Orange on your Facscan.
You can also try to avoid messy facs-users but it may be more difficult...
When you use this detergent do not forget to drain and fill the flow cell
two or three times and to rinse the sample capillary tube with a sample
tube with Facsflow only (Becton Dinckinson) in order to avoid cell lysis or
fluorescence modification with some residual detergent on your next sample.
Believe me or not: for each annual visit of the BD engineer for the Facscan
check up, the viewing orifice is completely clean... I never had any
clogging since I use this product.
Good Luck !
P.S.: For Coultronics only: Sorry, I do not accept credit cards. Checks are
Rene Y. Olivier
Unite d'Oncologie Virale
Institut Pasteur
25-28 rue du Dr Roux
75724 Paris Cedex 15
Tel: 033 1 45 68 83 75
Fax : 033 1 40 61 34 65
Secr: 033 1 45 68 87 41