>Does anyone have experience with surface CD38/cytoplasmic kappa/lambda?
>I would like to find out the simplest procedure.
A recent paper in the BJH describes a method for plasma cell detection using
Ortho's Permeafix reagent.
They are using surface expression of B-B4 and cytoplasmic kappa-lambda.
H.C.T. van Zaanen et al. "A simple and sensitive method for determining plasma
cell isotype and monoclonality in bone marrow using flow cytometry". British
Journal of Haematology. 1995. 91. 55-59
Len Brown 102554.2147@compuserve.com
Department of Haematology (968)515736 voice
Sultan Qaboos University (968)513419 fax
Al Khod, Code 123, Sultanate of Oman