I have a great problem concerning data analysis and layout of B-D FACScan
data. Our FACScan is connected to a HP-300 Pascal OS system. Unfortunately,
this system can not provide me sufficient lay-out of analysis data, though
using B-D LYSYS II software, version 8/92. The greatest problem I am
experiencing deals with clarification of annotations on multiple overlayed
histograms. The histograms resulting out of my experiments show only a
slight x-axis shift (x-axis = FL-1 intensity, log scale). This phenomenon is
the one I want, but unfortunately annotate function of LYSYS II does not
allow designation of histogram curves by name annotation and arrow
indication towards the histogram curve. Based on these facts, I have the
following questions:
1. Is there a possibility to clarify annotations without changing
measurement parameters or display parameters within LYSYS II software ?
2. If not, is there any kind of software solution, that allows transfer of
HP-formatted list-mode FACScan files to PC-IBM compatible machines?
3. If no software solution according to 2) is available, what hardware
configurations and extensions have to be installed to realize data transfer
between these two computer platforms? Is there a possibilty of compatibility
in uploading LYSYS II list mode files upon a ftp-server followed by
downloading them on a PC?
It would be very kind of you, if you could provide answers to my questions,
regardless of them being discouraging (because of tremendous costs ;-) ) or
encouraging (because of unexpected simplicity ;-) ).
Please reply to:
Andreas Christaras
Heinrich-Heine-University Duesseldorf
University's Children Hospital
Laboratory of experimental hematology (KMT-Labor)
Building 14.82 (Gebaeude 14.82)
Moorenstrasse 5
40225 Duesseldorf
Voice : +49-211-311-6103
Fax : +49-211-311-6206
E-Mail : christar@uni-duesseldorf.de