Re: ? S phase or malignant aneuploid peak

LEONARD BROWN (102554.2147@CompuServe.COM)
13 Jun 96 08:32:45 EDT

Dear Flow-ers

Further to Wal's query regarding a hyperdiploid peak in a clinical sample with a
reactive picture, I have just read in the June issue of Cytometry (24;2) Ferlini
et al's investigation of features of early apoptotic cells, "Flow cytometric
analysis of the early phases of apoptosis by cellular and nuclear techniques" in
which they describe a hyperdiploid peak using PI staining of extracted nuclei
from samples of irradiated PBMC, caused by cells in early apoptotis.

Similarly, could what we have observed as a hyperdiploid peak have been caused
by PBMC cells undergoing apoptosis due to an acute viral infection? I counted
approx 16% cells clearly showing apoptotic features in this patient's blood film
but there was no hypodiploid peak. Other features were consistent with an acute
viral infection. This hypothesis would also account for the altered FS and SS
charecteristics of the hyperdiploid cells.

Thanks to all for your thoughts.

Len Brown

Department of Haematology (968)515736 voice
Sultan Qaboos University (968)513419 fax
Al Khod, Code 123, Sultanate of Oman

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