Re: Excitation of APC by UV(?)
Mario Roederer (Roederer@Darwin.Stanford.EDU)
Wed, 03 Jul 1996 15:37:16 -0700
Yes, APC can definitely be excited by a UV laser, and emit out in the red. It's
not very efficient, as you note, but it does occur. This is a problem when
using a colinear UV/HeNe system! For our three-laser excitation, we keep them
spacially separate and use 2 different delay timers for the second and third
lasers... but, as far as I am aware, only the Cytomation electronics currently
allows for such a setup (for commercial systems, that is).
CD ROM Vol 2 was produced by staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories
and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community.
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