Re: Chromosome sorting
Terry Hoy (
Wed, 17 Jul 1996 09:44:00 GMT
>According to the books bivariate chromosome sorting requires the
>first laser to be tuned to UV (for Hoechst 33258) and the second
>to 458 (for Chromomycin A3).
>Is it possible to acheive good sorting when the first laser is 458
>and the second UV ?
Simon Monod gave me some excellent tuition when I started chromosome
sorting on a FACS440. If I remember correctly, one of his comments was
that it could be done with UV as secondary (in spite of what is said
in the literature).
I have not tried that option since, in spite of what BD engineers
told me, it was is possible to change primary/secondary without
physically moving the lasers. This takes about five minutes to
complete. If you are using a BD machine and want further info. please
let me know.
P.S. If you read this Simon our 440 is still alive and kicking!
Dr. Terry Hoy
Principal Research Officer
Department of Haematology Telephone 44 1222 743458
University of Wales College of Medicine FAX 44 1222 744655
Heath Park E-mail
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