Update in Haematology - 1996: A Symposium.
1996 November 18 - 20, Chandigarh, India.
International Symposium, held in Conjunction With the Annual Meeting of Indian Society of Haematology and
Blood Transfusion (ISHBT). Sponsored by the Medical Council of India, Amer Ass Physicians from India and Ass
Indian Pathol in North amer.
Comprehensive coverage of wide range of hematology topics in the fields of leukemia, MDS, coagulation, blood
transfusion and anemias.
International faculty includes: (Leader) Dr. Bakul I. Dalal, Vancouver, Canada; Dr. Cedric Carter, Vancouver,
Canada; Dr. K. C. Das, Kuwait; Dr. G. Garewal, Chandigarh, India; Dr. S. Ghosh, Hamilton, New Zealand, Dr. G.
H. Growe, Vancouver, Canada; Dr. G. J. Mufti, London, U.K.; Dr. P. M. Parikh, Mumbai, India; Dr. Louis
Wadsworth, Vancouver, Canada.
For more info:
Dr. G. Garewal,
Department of Hematology,
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research,
Chandigarh, India
Phone: 172-541031-39 ext. 276, 505
Fax: 172-540401
Dr. Bakul I. Dalal,
LSP1556, Vancouver Hospital,
Vancouver, Canada
Phone: 1-604-875-4496; Fax: 1-604-875-4798
e-mail: dbak@unixg.ubc.ca