krypton lasers
KnappT (
Tue, 20 Aug 96 08:44:22 -0700
We are exploring purchasing a krypton (or Argon/Krypton) laser to use
on our Vantage and would appreciate any feedback from those who are
using or have used krypton lasers. We are interested in such things as
stability, customer service of the laser manufacturer, means of laser
cooling (we do not have house chilled water and will probably be using
a stand-alone recirculating water chiller), power (mW) in the multiline
violet region (406nm-415nm multiline) (if available) , power (mW) in
the 406 line (if available), and any other bit of useful information.
As an alternative, what is the current status of air cooled lasers which can produce a line somewhere in the vicinity of 568nm?
Tom Knapp
Aurora Biosciences
(619)452-5000 ex 125
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