Listing listmode
Steve Hilliard (
Wed, 20 Oct 93 17:26:20 EDT
Sorry if this has been covered before--I couldn't find this in any of the
list correspondence I've kept, but I have a user who desperately wants to
manipulate listmode data. We have Winlist, but what he's interested in is
porting the listmode into a spreadsheet to actually perform calculations on
the values (and presumably re-plot). He's an engineer--he wants to see the
numbers. Does this sort of thing exist? On a related note, can anyone
point me to a description of data formats--exactly how is the data arranged
in FCS 1.0 and 2.0?
Thanks in advance,
Steve G. Hilliard |
Cell Analysis Facility, Univ. of GA | I brew the beer I drink!
(706) 542-9474|
These opinions are mine--get your own! |
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