Basophil Identification

Burt Houtz (
Wed, 15 Dec 1993 9:05:42 PST

Subject: Time:9:48 AM
OFFICE MEMO Basophil Identification Date:12/15/93

Regarding the inquiry for basophil analysis, without using anti-IgE,
positive identification of basophils using flow cytometry appears to be less
then straightforward.
Milson, et al in Diagn Immunol:3 (4) p182-6 (1985) describes a flow
cytochemistry system using the Technicon H6000
identification of the heparin-containing granules. They differentiated
these cells on the basis of "astra blue" positivity of the
heparin-containing granules.
Suarez-Quian, Tissue Cell: 19 (4) p495-504 (1987) Describes the use of
four monoclonal antibodies to lysosomal integral membrane proteins (LIMPs)
in rat basophilic leukemia cells. By FACS analysis they were able to
measure the relative cell surface concentrations of the four LIMPs.
Ackerman, et al J Exp Med: 158 (3) p946 -61 (1983) used monoclonal
antibodies to MBP, a Charcot-Leyden crystal protein-found in basophils as
well as eosinophils.
From a review of the literature, it does not appear that basophils
express CD23 (Fc Epsilon Receptor RII).

Burt Houtz
Becton Dickinson

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