Neal Benson (
Tue, 8 Feb 94 15:52:00 EST

> Research Imaging Facility
> ? FACSVantage (Consort 34) and Novell WorkPlace ?
> -------------------------------------------------
> Your help will be greatly appreciated!
> Using FACSNet on the HP, we are downloading our FACSVantage files over thin-
> net to a PC running FUSION (TCP/IP).
> Within the next few weeks we will have the opportunity to connect to an
> ethernet LAN (running Novell WorkPlace). Unfortunately, B-D has said that
> they only support the FUSION connection and that they cannot provide specific
> reccomendations on how to integrate our Flow set-up with the larger network.
> They indicated that there are problems trying use Novell with the HP FACSNet.
> Is anyone doing this? What do I need to do?
> Research Imaging Facility, SIU School of Medicine
> PO Box 19230, Springfield, IL 62794-9230
> PHONE: 217-782-0898 FAX: 217-524-3227
Dear Christine:

We use Novell's LAN Workplace extensively in our institution. We have
not had any problems transferring data to a PC running LAN Workplace
from our FACSNET/C32 systems, which were related to the use of LAN
Workplace instead of Fusion.

Please be sure about what your network runs: LAN Workplace runs on a
single PC and provides TCP/IP services over network connections solely
for that PC, while Netware (also from Novell) is considered a "network
operating system" and provides file sharing services for an entire
network. Netware is not compatible with (in the sense that it can't
receive data from, or send to) FACSNet.

If you wanted to stick with Fusion on your PC, there should not be any
problem connecting your PC to an ethernet network - both TCP/IP and
Netware can co-exist on the same wire. However, early versions of
Fusion could not interact with Netware; thus the PC would be isolated
from any other PC's which ran Netware. I believe the newer version of
Fusion can interoperate with both protocols, so this is no longer a
limitation. LAN Workplace also does not have this limitation
(since it is sold by Novell).

Of course, whenever you connect an isolated network or system to a larger
network, there will be configuration issues. You should not attempt this
unless you have good support from a local network "administrator", i.e. a
person who centrally manages the larger network.

So, to sum up, I would stick with Fusion if it's doing the job for you.
There's nothing in your message to suggest that it would be incompatible
with your larger network. However, if you like LAN Workplace better
(we do!), that should do the job as well.

Neal Benson                       Phone: (904) 392-0008                 
Department of Pathology           FAX  : (904) 392-4693                 
Box 100275                        Email:, or
University of Florida          
Gainesville, FL  32610  USA

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CD ROM Vol 2 was produced by staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community. If you have any comments please direct them to Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director, PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone:(317) 494-0757; FAX (317) 494-0517; Web EMAIL