>>> Robert Karaffa <rkaraff@emory.edu> 10/8/96, 07:48pm >>>
To the readers of the flow mailing list:
I believe I am the bearer of sad news. My mentor and good friend,
Micko, has been diagnosed with glioblastoma and will undergo
very soon. We ask that your thoughts and prayers go out to Steve and
his family. I have had the distinct pleasure to benefit from Steve's
immense knowledge base in flow cytometry, and under his tutelage have
learned a great deal about the delicate art of sorting. His presence
missed here at the hospital, and we wish him a speedy recovery.
Correspondence can be addressed to:
Steve Micko
650 Scotland Court
Stone Mountain, Ga. 30088
-- ************************** Robert E. Karaffa, II Emory University Flow Cytometry Core Facility 1365 B Clifton Rd. Atlanta, Ga 30329 voice: 404/778-4889 e-mail: rkaraff@emory.edu **************************