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Cell Sorting Procedures
Institut fur Genetik
der Universitat zu Koln
Weyertal 121
D-50931 Koln, GERMANY
Laboratory Profile
Director: Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Radbruch
1.Facilities available: Flow cytometry lab, sterile lab.
2. Instrumentation:
Flow cytometry: FACStar+ with Macro Sort - three lasers: 3 W argon laser (all lines or UV), 3 W argon laser (488 nm) and dye laser (rhodamine 504). Upgraded FACS I/440 (laser: see above FACStar+), FACS IV with 3 W argon laser (488 nm). FACScan with 15 m W argon laser (488 nm).
Other major items: Equipment for high-gradient magnetic cell sorting: MACS, MegaMACS and MiniMACS. Leiz fluorescent photomicroscope. Zeiss Axioskop and Axiophot with CCD Camera (IP-Lab Software) for quantitative fluorescence microscopy.
Computer and Analytical: Currently switching from HP (Lysis/FACScan Research) to McIntosh (LysisIII).
3. Specialization areas: Sorting of rare cells, MACS.
4. Training Opportunities: Immunofluorescence, Flow Cytometry, FACS and MACS on human and murine cells.
5. Special courses offered: Not indicated.
6. Graduate Program: Not indicated.
7. Local Accomodations: Can be organized (app. 100 DM per night).
8. Transportation: Airport Cologne/Bonn: Bus shuttle to Cologne Main Station (Hauptbanhof, Hbf) every 20 minutes (7.20 DM one way), Tram from Main Station to Institute ca. 20 min (2.80 DM). Taxi from airport to Institute (ca. 50 DM). More information c an be provided.
9. Cost of Internships: 10 DM/day.
Prof. Andreas Radbruch
Institut fur Genetik
der Universitat zu Koln
Weyertal 121
D-50931 Koln, GERMANY
Phone: (49) 221 470 3419
FAX: (49) 221 470 4970
E-mail: andreas@genetik.uni.koeln.de