RE: Texas Red Laser Excitation
Howard Shapiro (
Fri, 3 May 1996 17:06:38 -0400 (EDT)
Mark Kukuruga asks if Texas Red is excitable at 633 nm, by an
air-cooled He-Ne. 633 nm, no; air-cooled He-Ne, yes. Bob Hoffman and
I put my 594 nm air-cooled He-Ne into an Ortho instrument at the 1985
Hilton Head SAC meeting, and detected Texas Red immunofluorescence.
This was a very ecumenical experiment; Coulter lent us the emission
filter. I know Coulter has demonstrated configurations of the Elite
with the 594 nm laser, and, while you can't (as far as I know) get a
25-50 mW 594 nm He-Ne laser, you can get a 5-10 mW 594 nm He-Ne laser.
It would work in a system with efficient optics like the Elite or, if
B-D felt like installing one, in the FACSscan, FACScalibur, etc.
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