RE: Annexin V staining

Tom Mc Closkey (
Wed, 23 Apr 97 11:21:26 PDT

--- On Mon, 21 Apr 1997 19:03:25 GMT Dr James Clark
<> wrote:

>I have recently been attempting Annexin V staining and so far this
>has been succesful. However I am worried about the amount of debris in the

>bottom left of FSC/SSC, should this be included in the final analysis
>or excluded?
I guess the answer depends on whether the events w/ low FS ansd SS are
apoptotic cells or debris or some other cell type [depending on the system].
For th e most part, the info you want is % apoptotic cells of a particular
population. So you need some method to determine whole cells [apoptotic or
live] from other events. If you can't achieve this with LS then maybe
adding a McAb or staining for DNA wil l be a required gating step.

Good luck,

Thomas W. Mc Closkey, Ph. D.
Director, Flow Cytometry
North Shore University Hospital
Biomedical Research Center
350 Community Drive
Manhasset, Long Island, New York 11030
ph: 516-562-4844 [office]; 516-562-1135/4641 [lab]
4/23/97 11:28:52 AM

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