Re: Macrophage membrane marker for counting % Macs in a sa

Gregor Rothe (
Wed, 5 Mar 1997 09:06:02 +0100

A simple way to identify monocytes and macrophages which should work
across species is based on lysosomal cysteine protease activity. In our
experience the fluorogenic substrate (Z-Arg-Arg)2-Rhodamine 110
worked in human, rat and guinea pig samples quite well.
The substrate is now available from Molecular Probes.
The method which works at 488 nm has been published in
Biol Chem Hoppe-Seyler 373: 547-54, 1992.

Gregor Rothe
Institute for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
University of Regensburg
D-93042 Regensburg, Germany

Tel. +49 (941) 944-6204
Fax +49 (941) 944-6202


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