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DNA Analysis
Laboratorio de Citometria
Centro de Formacao e Treino em Biotecnologia Medica
Centro de Investigacao em Biopatlogia e Oncologia - CIBO
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias
P-4200 Porto, PORTUGAL
Laboratory Profile
Director: Filipe Sansonetty, MD
1.Facilities available: a) 125 m 2 flow cytometry facility containing flow instrumentation, general biochemistry lab, computer workstations facilities including access to international networks, tissue culture facility, office space for visiting scientis ts; b) Facilities available in the Institute that may be of interest to trainees: three consulting rooms where biopsies (namely fine needle aspiration biopsies) can be obtained; tumor sample registry room (samples sent by hospital) and a tumor bank, a mult imedia room, a library with access to several databases.
2. Instrumentation:
Flow Cytometry: Coulter EPICS CS with Innova 90 argon laser. A second flow analyzer with an air-cooled laser will be available in a short term.
Other major items: Spectrofluorometer; Fluorescence microscope; Optical filters; Reasonable stock of fluorophores.
Computer and Analytical: PC platforms for flow cytometry data analysis; Software includes Coulter Cytology, Phoenix, Verity, non-cytometry software (Maclntosh and PC) expertise in programs of graphics processment and statistics.
3. Specialization areas: DNA analysis; Cell cycle analysis; tumor markers; proliferation and differentiation.
4. Training Opportunities: Obtention, preparation and handling of several types of human tumor samples; Studies involving tumor cell lines for phenotypic characterization; several anti-human antibodies available for training.
5. Special courses offered: Flow instrument operation, Routine DNA analysis and reporting; Lymphocyte phenotyping; Training on computer analysis packages.
6. Graduate Program: Program offered in several areas (e.g.: Master Degree in Oncobiology) using cytometric technologies related to studies of Blopathology and Oncology. Three courses are offered for graduate students, including technicians: a) Introduc tion to Basic Principles of Flow Cytometry; b) Practical Applications of Flow Cytometry, namely of Clinical Cytometry; c) Advanced Course on Functional Cytometry.
7.Local Accomodations: Residencial Palanca Hotel (37$ per night, including breakfast) at 10 min distance by bus; Rooms may be arranged in a student Residential of Porto University. Current rate as low as 100$ per week, including breakfast.
8. Transportation: Local airport is Sa Cameiro International Airport. 15 min by taxi (about 12$).
9. Cost of Internships: Depends upon what studies are required. A base rate of 570$ per week (15 hours x 38$/hour) has been calculated only to cover most laboratory costs including basic reagents and namely the use of the cytometer. Dates for internshi p will be defined by arrangement.
10. Communication:
Filipe Sansonetty, MD
Director, Laboratorio de Citometria
Centro de Formacao e Treino em Biotecnologia Medica
Centro de Investigacao em Biopatlogia e Oncologia - CIBO
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias
P-4200 Porto, PORTUGAL
Phone: (351) 2 550 4381
FAX: (351) 2 550 39 40
E-mail: available in January 1995
CD-ROM Vol 3 was produced by Monica M. Shively and other staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community. If you have any comments please direct them to Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director, PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone:(765) 494-0757; FAX (765) 494-0517; Web http://www.cyto.purdue.edu, EMAIL cdrom3@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu