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Biological Dosimetry, Toxicology and Environmental Studies
GSF-Institut fur Blophysiskalische Strahlenforschung
Ingolstaedter Landstrasse I
D-85785 Oberschleissheim, GERMANY
Laboratory Profile
Director: Dr. Michael Nuesse
1. Facilities available: General biology laboratory, tissue culture laboratory, instrumentation laboratory, cornputer facility.
2. Instrumentation:
Flow cytometry: FACStar+ cell sorter with two lasers (360 nm-528 nm), Cytofluorograph 30 (single laser, 36C nm-514 nm), Slit-Scanning system and optical experimental setup with 2 lasers, possible use of a FACScan in separate building.
Other major items: Fluorescence microscope with color cooled CCD imaging system, fluorescence spectrometer, UV/VIS spectrometer, FTIR- and RAMAN spectrometer, various fluorescence microscopes, irradiation sources (Cs 137 , Co 60 , etc) available for radiation experiments, UV-irradiation facility (solar simulator, UVB, UBC).
Computers and Analytical: All data analysis is IBM PC-based; original software (such as LYSIS II) only used for data acquisition, an own software developnet (DAS V4.29) is used for flow analysis including slitscanning. Network: VINES Version 5.5. The co nnection to mainframe computers of a large research facility is possible by the network, communication via E-mail as well.
3. Specialization areas: Research for biological dosimetry, toxicology and general environmental aspects. Flow cytometfic analysis of micronuclei and chromosomes, cell kinetic studies with BrdUrd incorporation (BrdUrd/Hoechst or immunofluorescence). Fl ow cytometric analysis of bacteria and algae possible.
4. Training Opportunities: All aspects of experimental design, cell culture, preparation, staining, flow measurement and sorting, computer data analysis, Networking, etc.
5. Special courses offered: None
6. Graduate Program: None
7. Local Accomodations: Guest house of the GSF with limited number of rooms, approx. 30 DM per night, other hotels in Munich available from ca 100 DM.
8. Transportation: Munich International Airport ca. 30 km, Railway station Munich Center 15 km, Autobahn connection Exit Neuherberg,
9. Cost of Internships: Not indicated
10. Communication:
Dr. Michael Nuesse
GSF-Institut fur Blophysiskalische Strahlenforschung
Ingolstaedter Landstrasse I
D-85785 Oberschleissheim, GERMANY
Phone: (49) 89 3187 3426
FAX: (49) 89 3187 3349
E-mail: Nuesse@gsf.de
Specialty Training & Education Program
CD-ROM Vol 3 was produced by Monica M. Shively and other staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community. If you have any comments please direct them to Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director, PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone:(765) 494-0757; FAX (765) 494-0517; Web http://www.cyto.purdue.edu, EMAIL cdrom3@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu