UNFPA Funding
Globally, UNFPA receives funding from 187 countries, totalling $457.1 million in 2007. Funding from the United States was recently reinitiated.
In Ethiopia, recent sources of funding include:
Joint Programme with UNICEF: UNFPA Ethiopia mobilised 15.4 million USD with UNICEF through a joint programme submitted to the Norwegian Embassy. This programme, which uses a rights-based approach to adolescent and youth development, runs from 2007 to 2012 and is being implemented in five regions (Addis Ababa, Afar, Amhara, Oromia, and Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region).
Female condom programming: Ethiopia is one of the 22 countries identified globally by UNFPA in 2004 for the intensification and scale-up of female condom initiatives. Through UNFPA HQ, the Female Condom Initiative (FCI) in Ethiopia received 200,000 USD from Austrian Government.
Programme Accelerated Fund (PAF)-supported HIV interventions
UNFPA is working with seven organizations through the Programme Accelerated Fund in the areas of community-based gender equality and empowerment, empowering sex workers and vulnerable girls, strengthening sexual and reproductive health for sex-workers, advocacy and supporting the network of PLWA.
Midwifery Programme
Jointly executed by UNFPA and the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM), and jointly funded by Sweden, the Netherlands and UNFPA, the programme aims to increase and improve skilled attendance at all births in low-resource countries by scaling up the capacity of midwives.
Comprehensive Reproductive Health Programme Funds, Including Safe Motherhood
UNFPA Ethiopia has received 8 million USD from UNFPA’s global fund to conduct RHCS activities, as well as 11.5 million and 18.3 million USD, respectively, for the Protection of Basic Services (PBS) I and II. PBS fund, a donor pooled initiative under the auspices of the World Bank, is used to ensure that women – before, during, and after pregnancy – have access to reproductive health commodities and services.
Joint Programmes addressing gender-related factors contributing to maternal death:
Violence against Women (VAW) Programme: Euro 2.7 million from Royal Netherlands Embassy to implement a 3-year programme on VAW in 6 regions
Leave No Woman Behind (LNWB) - USD 7.5 million from UNDP-Spain MDG Achievement Fund to implement a 3 year programme in Amhara and Tigray
Joint UNFPA/UNICEF Programme on FGM/C: - A 3 year joint programme on accelerated abandonment of FGM/C in Afar region. Funding is provided by the government of Norway and other donors.
Humanitarian interventions to ensure maternal health and HIV prevention in emergencies: Over one million USD mobilized from the United Nations’ Central Emergency Relief Fund (CERF) and other donors (Japan).