David Gebhard (
Tue, 29 Aug 1995 14:12:12 -0400

I am keen to hear of any practical experience from other Flow
Core Facilities on the pros and cons of making a MACS (magnetic bead cell
sorting) available to their users.
The subject has come in in a discussion of how to pre-sort
large numbers of cells prior to a
purity sort for rare or combined parameter type flow sort.
Are there any other Cores that provide the service/ equipment? At
what cost/ / materials, etc.
Do the "rent it out?" etc., etc.
And in general, how happy are any users with the MACS system
in general?
Thanks..... Dave G.
Dave Gebhard
Director FACS/ Oligonucelotide Synthesis Facilities
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
1300 Morris Park Avenue
Bronx, New York 10461
718-430-2724/ 3573

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