> I was wondering if anyone has experience loading COS-7 cells with
> Indo for calcium mobilization analysis. We've been having a tough
> time with this. The Indo seems to be ok, since we've loaded other cells
> Peter Lopez
I asked a similar question recently regarding CHO cells
and one of the suggestions from the list was to use
verapamil. We tried loading in 4uM INDO-1, 30uM verapamil
for 1 hour (including the pluronic) and it worked great.
The fluorescence we got was an order of magnitude better
than loading in the absence of verapamil. I would suggest
this as a first try to see if the COS cells are actively
pumping out the dye as it is being cleaved. Good luck!
Keith A. Kelley kelley@wh.bayer.com *
Institute for Research Technologies * "No tree is too big
Bayer Corporation * for a short dog to
400 Morgan Lane Ph 203-931-5303 * lift his leg on"
West Haven CT 06516 FAX 203-937-5467 *
* Texas Bix Bender