Purdue University Cytometry Mailing List by thread
Starting: Thu 30 Nov 1995 - 12:53:57 EST
Ending: Thu 08 Feb 1996 - 12:16:14 EST
Messages: 500
- CD56 expression on gamma delta T cells Calman Prussin
- CD34 cross-reactivity Artur Summerfield
- I have Elite Software problems too! AAllen1216@aol.com
- RE: Hoechst vs FITC: possible? kukuruga%kasle1.dnet.wayne.edu@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- Labeled Virus Dennis_Young@CIS.ucsd.edu
- DR+ activated T cells - how best to isolate? Mark Pavlick
- Eosinophil fluorescence stain ROBBERT@top.tn.utwente.nl
- G2 resolution Thomas Delohery
- Uncrossing the flow Crossmatch-REVISED DATE -SORRY Brian
- cd34 growth conditions FACS_COPY@wehi.edu.au
- Fluorescent poly A for FISH: UK suppliers Robin Barclay
- Re: BRDU labeling of MNC. James Weaver 301-594-5879 FAX 301-594-3037
- murine gamma-IP10 Dr. Mark Chambers
- RE: Elite 4.0 Software/Win95 Trouble Biagini, Raymond E.
- Hoechst vs FITC: possible? FACS_COPY@wehi.edu.au
- Macintosh Shareware Utility (FCS Assistant) Ray Hicks
- Optical filters kelley@wh.bayer.com
- ccMail SMTPLINK Undeliverable Message M. Wesslowski
- Seminars in the Detroit Area Bruce Davis, MD - Clinical Pathology
- Rat Reticulocytes Tabitha Staley
- Final (happy) resolution of the 'disappearing monocytes' post Dave Lundy
- BrdU and Cell Surface Antigen Richard K. Meister
- Need norms Dr. Philip McCoy
- Newbie Instrument Question Scott Kellogg
- Re: HELP a newbie!...reply PAUL@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu
- MAT BIII dispersal for flow: an update Weaverli
- MPO problem solved. Terry Hoy
- Elite 4.0 Software/Win95 Trouble Ross Longley
- Optical Filter QA Geoffrey Osborne
- osteoblast or osteoclast cell markers Lesterjp@aol.com
- RE: videos Dan Smith
- Re: Ethidium monoazide Charles C. Love
- LacZ gene expression Martin Poot
- DIOC6 Transmembrane
- Re[2]: Ethidium monoazide /G=Gerhard/S=Nebe-von-Caron/OU=1890CHPE/O=TMGB.URC/@LANGATE.gb.sprint.com
- Re: FileGuard for Mac workstations Wayne Green
- RE: PI staining in paraffin Roy Overton
- RNA from G2 cells Martin Poot
- uclear antigen Ruth Knuechel-Clarke t866625
- MAT B III cell dispersal for flow Weaverli
- Re: macrophage analysis Scott I. Simon
- San Diego Area Flow Cytometry User's Group Dennis_Young@CIS.ucsd.edu
- Flow Position Maryalice Stetler-Stevenson
- Delivery failure notification Mail Delivery System
- Rat Chromosomes. Terry Hoy
- position available Maryalice Stetler-Stevenson
- BODIPY Daniel Vaulot
- Mouse Chromosome Prep..hqx Ian Roberts
- videos Alice L. Givan
- Network problem system@flocyt.int-med.uiowa.edu
- meeting announcemnet Gerald E. Marti
- RE: Ethidium monoazide cheryl@immune.med.utoronto.ca
- Clastogenicity by CV /R=HERLVX/R=AM/U=ELSTEIN/FFN=ELSTEIN/@mr.rtpnc.epa.gov
- Clastogenicity by CV /R=HERLVX/R=AM/U=ELSTEIN/FFN=ELSTEIN/@mr.rtpnc.epa.gov
- Uncrossing the flow Crossmatch Brian
- FACS Autoloader?? M. Wesslowski
- Need norms Eric Zorrilla
- murine spleen/ B-cell subsets David Gebhard
- lacZ gene expression/3 color FACS "facs1::isdellf"@rmslab.rockefeller.edu
- HELP a newbie! Michael Hultner
- RE: Fix & Perm + CCA kukuruga%kasle1.dnet.wayne.edu@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- Revision to email posting Suk Park
- Subscribe for Aneuploidy xxx infos. Didier Georgieff
- DiI C18(3) Edgar L. Milford
- antibody to mouse endothelial cells???
- Dityrosine and yeast Graham Vesey
- BD-auto tube loader Osama Nabulsi
- BODIPY Daniel Vaulot
- Rh big D Ric Thorpe
- sendout katano harutaka
- Revision to email posting Suk Park
- Flow Laboratory Supervisor Position dtodd@csnet.net
- Re: Ethidium monoazide - Reply PAUL@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu
- Rat Chromosomes. Terry Hoy
- Palo Alto Flow Cytometry Users Group Upcoming Meetings Suk Park
- Ethidium monoazide monard@adarc.nyu.edu
- Fix & Perm + CCA Terry Hoy
- autofluorescence -Reply Davin Jutila
- Mailing List Errors over the weekend SKELLEY@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu
- RE: Anti-murine CD16? Edberg, Jeffrey Ph.D.
- RE: G2 sort Thomas Delohery
- ISAC Core Facility Tutorial lsklar@medusa.unm.edu
- Position Open JIAN SUN
- Re[2]:Eosinophils tom_frey@bdis.com
- Re: CD34 QC Michael Weaver
- Eosinophils KWatkins@aol.com
- 4 SALE Bill Hyun
- Application for stay in a laboratory Dra Yolanda Romero-Pizarro
- Re: usenet flow cytometry?? - reply Antony Bakke
- autofluorescence Antony Bakke
- flow's greatest hits ThatJack@aol.com
- murine eosinophils Jill Martin
- Re: macrophage analysis Stephen G. Kayes
- GFP and GAL Martin Poot
- Elution of surface antibodies. David A. Flowers
- CD34 enumeration JoAnne Thomas
- macrophage analysis RICHARD L. DARLEY
- Re: usenet flow cytometry?? - REPLY from Purdue kukuruga%kasle1.dnet.wayne.edu@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- Eosinophils Peter F. Moore
- RE: p-glycoprotein and rhodamine 123 kukuruga%kasle1.dnet.wayne.edu@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- (no subject) kukuruga%kasle1.dnet.wayne.edu@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- RE: CD57+ lymphocytes kukuruga%kasle1.dnet.wayne.edu@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- Re[2]:eosinophils tom_frey@bdis.com
- Lasers for sale kingl@pilot.msu.edu
- Re[2]: Eosinophils /G=Gerhard/S=Nebe-von-Caron/OU=1890CHPE/O=TMGB.URC/@LANGATE.gb.sprint.com
- Help on Energytransferstudies... Matthias Haury
- RE: Eosinophils Howard Shapiro
- TH1 vs TH2 Cells Vincent Naicker
- Re: CD34 QC Steven Gore
- Eosinophils - an alternative method? Walter Sharp
- CD34 enumeration Marc Langweiler
- Position Announcement craig_andersen@bdis.com
- usenet flow cytometry?? NOT! Calman Prussin
- Flow Cytometry course in S.F. Bay Area Nina Hagiwara
- internet virus Thomas Delohery
- CD 34 QC Ron Hill
- CD57+ lymphocytes Mark Pavlick
- usenet Gary Durack
- RE: usenet flow cytometry?? Nancy Perlmutter
- usenet KLCOMBS@pwinet.upj.com
- Re: usenet flow cytometry?? - REPLY from Purdue PAUL@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu
- GFP and FACS-Gal/FDG Hank Pletcher
- p-glycoprotein and rhodamine 123 Glenda, M, Davison
- used benchtop cytometer wanted monard@adarc.nyu.edu
- Travel in Italy after ISAC Congress XVIII Dave Coder
- Anti-murine CD16? a.collins@unsw.EDU.AU
- RE: Eosinophils P.Openshaw Medicine
- Re: File guard Wayne Green
- Re: usenet flow cytometry?? NOT!!!! Dennis Broud 301-594-6259 FAX 301-443-9292
- RE: usenet flow cytometry?? Dingyi Xu
- File guard Louise Pope
- CD34 QC conley.christopher@mayo.edu
- CD34 QC Maryalice Stetler-Stevenson
- Elastase response Martin Poot
- 4 colour analysis on epics XL jc
- usenet flow cytometry?? jc
- Eosinophils Janek Brozek
- Conjugation R-PE to Antibodies? Kathy McKinnon
- Seralab Eduardo Magalhaes Rego
- CD45RO Davin Jutila
- RNA from sorted G2 cells Martin Poot
- Looking for info. on CD68L Aki Hoji
- Elastase Ulrich Sack
- CCC Meeting F. Joseph Chrest
- Re[2]: antobody to human CTLA-4 Marvin_S._Peterson_at_~PRISEA01@ccmail.bms.com
- RNA from sorted G2 cells Martin Poot
- 2nd Workshop on Tumour Heterogeneity; Kananaskis, May 24-27 mohedley@spiff.pmh.toronto.on.ca
- Information Dr. Steffen Roth, D-68309 Mannheim
- RNA recovery from cells sorted at G2 phase Denis Snider
- DNA from ethanol fixed cells ZBIGNIEW DARZYNKIEWICZ
- antobody to human CTLA-4 Antony Bakke
- Fw: Cell sorter operator, London, UK P.Openshaw Medicine
- atypical apoptosis ZBIGNIEW DARZYNKIEWICZ
- Compensation on the Elite Gazer11@aol.com
- Looking for info. on CD68L Aki Hoji
- DNA from Ethanol-fixed cells. Joshua Epstein
- Post-doc position open SKELLEY@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu
- CD103 Keith Bahjat
- summmary CD23 Gerald E. Marti
- Post-doc position open VMosiman@aol.com
- Re: Trying to locate a FACS near Auburn Al. Archibald S Conner
- Myeloperoxidase Terry Hoy
- isotypic controls/background/unspecific mAb binding RESEND Andreas.Christaras
- Apoptosis -- artifact or actual? kukuruga%kasle1.dnet.wayne.edu@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- autofluorescence Cederbrant Karin
- Calculation method for antigen expression ??? Uno Johansson
- rare cell population enumeration - CD34 Frederick Garbrecht
- Re: Trying to locate a FACS near Auburn Al. Archibald S Conner
- isotypic controls/background/unspecific mAb binding Andreas.Christaras
- More CD23 ricardo
- Position available lsklar@medusa.unm.edu
- Open Positions Jeff_Harvey@bio-rad.com
- Re: Future prospects - Summary Robert C. Leif, Ph.D.
- Re: TUNEL controls Steven Gore
- TUNNEL POS. CONTROL Angel_Delgado@ftdetrck-ccmail.army.mil
- Indo-1 standard beads Julie Auger
- Posts Wanted S M Yousaf
- FACS operator position S M Yousaf
- FACS Operator Position (no name)
- apoptosis vs cell death colette charland
- Equine flow cytometry Roger Burger
- Re: Future prospects - Summary Hazel Davey
- Re: TUNEL Eric Miller
- travel after isac rimini BIGOS@Darwin.Stanford.EDU
- Debra Klich's Q. Bill James
- RE: FITC Labeling of Bacteria Chance, Tim
- TUNEL Dan Smith
- flow cytometry in microbiology Esa-Matti Lilius
- Australian Job Oppurtunity Graham Vesey
- Toxicology Phenotyping, Monkey, Rat, Dog ABBOTT DAVID L JR
- FacsCalibur with 2 LaserOption ? Matthias Haury
- Posts Wanted S M Yousaf
- PURDUE CD ROM ... UP, Up, and AWAY.. PAUL@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu
- Position Available jphillip@mednet.med.miami.edu
- FITC labelling of bacteria Libutti, Daniel A.
- Filter for sale (Australia) Dean Hewish
- BD Facscan for sale Kristina S. Kavanau
- Rimini Meeting Traveling companions Susan D. DEMAGGIO
- DNA and RNA quantification in bacteria Jaume Comas
- BD FACScan for sale LINP@CSMC.EDU
- Re: FACSCalibur vs. XL & Naming babies -Reply mohedley@spiff.pmh.toronto.on.ca
- Request to Join CYTOMETRY from the web server uno.johansson@pat.liu.se
- Regarding Apoptosis in spermatozoa. Preben Christensen
- DNA/RNA quantification DLKLICH@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu
- BD Facscan for sale LINP@CSMC.EDU
- RE: apoptosis by flow kukuruga%kasle1.dnet.wayne.edu@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- ISAC XVIII Abstracts: Home Page URL Dave Coder
- CD98 (4F2) Joern Schmitz
- cd23 Frederic Preffer
- flow cytometry position Michael Andreeff
- Re: CD23 Bruce Davis, MD - Clinical Pathology
- IL-5R source Dr. KH Leong
- ISAC XVIII Abstracts Dave Coder
- UV excitable immunoglobulin labels Gregor Rothe
- Hematology anyone? KLCOMBS@pwinet.upj.com
- Re[2]: Suggestions for the New Year /G=Gerhard/S=Nebe-von-Caron/OU=1890CHPE/O=TMGB.URC/@LANGATE.gb.sprint.com
- Summary: FACScan Side Scatter Problems Carol Oxford
- re:apop and flow Robert Johnson
- QA Opeining - Caltag Robert Johnson
- Reg> Suggestions for the Ne Edward Srour
- CD23 Mazharov
- Coulter CD14 antibodies AAllen1216@aol.com
- Re: apoptosis by flow Eric Miller
- RE: Bowdoin Course Announcement. C. Bruce Bagwell
- RE: Intracellular staining P.Openshaw Medicine
- Re: FACScan side scatter problems Ray Hicks
- RE: Suggestions for the New Year Dennis Broud 301-594-6259 FAX 301-443-9292
- More career opportunities at Coulter Corp. Russell Bradley
- FACSCAN SIDE SCATTER mdemaria@warren.med.harvard.edu
- Apoptosis by Flow Martin Poot
- Uniscience, UK Dr. Laszlo Virag
- Thanks! Dave Lundy
- PE-anti-p75 (IL2R)??? Jacek Witkowski
- CD40l Vivian Wu
- Streptavidin tricolor Robert Johnson
- Histogram Statistics lori_m@SMTPGATE.BCSEW.EDU
- apoptosis hwortis_sup@OPAL.TUFTS.EDU
- MacIntosh Freeware? Eric Martz
- Workshop on Hematologic Malignancies in Rimini Raul C. Braylan
- Facscan side scatter problem Vera Svobodova
- air-bubbles and sorting kjartan.egeberg@ifk.unit.no
- Seeking A Flow Cytometry Position BAYBA95@aol.com
- re:Streptavidin Tricolour LEONARD BROWN
- Indo-1 loading kelley@wh.bayer.com
- Postdoctoral Position..... PAUL@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu
- re: CD95 McAbs Scott Thurmond
- re: CD95 McAbs t_mccloskey@crcvax.med.cornell.edu
- CD40L Vivian Wu
- Intracellular staining Howard Ratech
- apoptosis by flow hwortis_sup@OPAL.TUFTS.EDU
- Disappearing monocytes Dave Lundy
- FACScan side scatter Immuno Flow
- Indo-1 loading MK
- Suggestions for the New Year Mario Roederer
- FDA/IVD/CAP/??? Marc Langweiler
- Re: Cytometry Mailing List Mark Pavlick
- RE: FACScan side scatter problems also on XL Antony Bakke
- FACScan side scatter Immuno Flow
- Indo loading PLOPEZ@sorter.dfci.harvard.edu
- Fluorescent probe for ATP? Raymond B. Hester
- Thanks for another good cytometry year.. PAUL@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu
- Re[2]: FACScan side scatter problems /G=Gerhard/S=Nebe-von-Caron/OU=1890CHPE/O=TMGB.URC/@LANGATE.gb.sprint.com
- Green Ozy Laser Graham Vesey
- RE: FACScan side scatter problems kukuruga%kasle1.dnet.wayne.edu@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- QE & ET Thomas Delohery
- Fas antibodies. Edward Srour
- Re[2]: Phenotype for CML cells mann0002@mc.duke.edu
- Re: Phenotype for CML cells Steven Gore
- Platelet analysis/Va antibody colette charland
- DNA on Formalin fixed samples JoAnne Thomas
- RE: FACScan side scatter problems kukuruga%kasle1.dnet.wayne.edu@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
- Platelet analysis/Va antibody colette charland
- Thank you Mike colette charland
- Reordering INITS on a Mac Susan & Ulrik Sprogøe-Jakobsen
- Returned mail: Host unknown Mark Pavlick
- Streptavidin Tricolour Dean Hewish
- anti-GM-CSF receptor antibody George Babcock
- Re: FACSCalibur vs. XL & Naming babies -Reply Mark Edinger
- Re[2]: name my babies steven micko
- Re: FACSCalibur vs. XL & Naming babies Mike Salmon
- Re: Reordering INITS on a Ma DrBlood
- First cut final Robert C. Leif, Ph.D.
- for CHO chromosome analysis Takeshi_Omasa
- BD FACSComp ver 1.2 for the MAC Bruce Davis, MD - Clinical Pathology
- Reordering INITS on a Mac Dennis_Young@CIS.ucsd.edu
- Activated platelets Janek Brozek
- Spot the Xmas ditty... Dr. Huw S.
- PLEASE name the babies! Frederic Preffer
- Re: FACSCalibur vs. XL -Reply -Reply Mark Edinger
- for CHO chromosome analysis Takeshi_Omasa
- Platelet analysis/Va antibody colette charland
- Phenotype for CML cells Roger Burger
- Re: FACSCalibur vs. XL -Reply -Reply Mark Edinger
- FACScan side scatter problems Carol Oxford
- Phenotype for CML cells Roger Burger
- Re: FACSCalibur vs. XL -Reply -Reply Mark Edinger
- Position Available Sandy Schurtz
- synchrony Joanne Clark
- Platelet analysis/Va antibody colette charland
- re: name the babes Ric Thorpe
- about FCS format Michio Ono
- about FCS format Michio Ono
- re: name the babes Ric Thorpe
- about FCS format Michio Ono
- FACScan side scatter problems Carol Oxford
- Name my babies... kelley@wh.bayer.com
- F-actin DR M AL-RUBEAI
- Name my babies... kelley@wh.bayer.com
- Re: name my babies Marty Bartholdi
- Re: name my babies Marty Bartholdi
- Position Available Sandy Schurtz
- Name my babies... kelley@wh.bayer.com
- re: name the babes Ric Thorpe
- Phenotype for CML cells Roger Burger
- Re: name my babies Marty Bartholdi
- synchrony Joanne Clark
- re: name the babes Ric Thorpe
- about FCS format Michio Ono
- Flurochrome sensitivity Chance, Tim
- Re: Coulter ELITE vs BD FACScalibur Antony Bakke
- TdT and PI in plants Iona O'Brien
- Core Facility JoAnne Thomas
- Reticulated platelets SCHORER.ANNA@minneapolis.va.gov
- Low level fluorescence Susan & Ulrik Sprogøe-Jakobsen
- FACSCalibur vs. XL vs. etc... NoahHadas@aol.com
- Name my babies DrBlood
- Freezing Cells Keith Bahjat
- Interruption SKELLEY@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu
- yeast Kelley Lennon
- Low level fluorescence Frederic Preffer
- RE: three color analysis Zawadzki, Jerome A.
- -Reply Mark Edinger
- CD61 and megakaryocytes Don Healey
- Hematology on the Web aultk.mmcri@mmc.org
- re :MACS reagents in UK /G=Gerhard/S=Nebe-von-Caron/OU=1890CHPE/O=TMGB.URC/@LANGATE.gb.sprint.com
- RE: white cell counts AML FCM
- CD99 and CD62L Frederic Preffer
- FMC-7 Antony Bakke
- six names for your babies Sarah Vowells
- three color analysis Antony Bakke
- CD56 biotin Calman Prussin
- Re: FACSCalibur vs. XL Howard Shapiro
- Quantitative Fluorescence Sensitivity Instrument Comparison Karenrt@aol.com
- RE: Name my babies Jason, Janine
- Re: FACSCalibur vs. XL -Reply Mark Edinger
- ELITE ESP Rehse, Mark
- PKH linker dyes Vivian Wu
- three color analysis ned@phri.nyu.edu
- FMC-7 Russell Bradley
- CDs Antony Bakke
- Name my babies steven micko
- Re: FACSCalibur vs. XL Mario Roederer
- Boston Users Group/WWW PLOPEZ@sorter.dfci.harvard.edu
- New Homepage WWW: Flow Cytometry in Biological Oceanography at IfM Kiel Steven Merlin
- Filter Mesh Steven Merlin
- CDs Thomas Delohery
- PKH26 Toxicity Geoffrey Osborne
- Re: Clumping, Tetko Mesh N.W. BLACKHALL
- MACS reagents in UK Robin Barclay
- Houston position sought MS MELISSA C OBRIEN
- PI TOXICITY Immuno Flow
- Re: PI and Fixation MORGANTL@aol.com
- Blood Aaron Rae
- Fluorochrome Sensitivity Kees Pot
- Re: "tunel" assay of Darcynkiewicz-Z Andreas.Christaras
- Filter meshes Geoffrey Osborne
- Job opening, cell analysis Diether
- B cell lymphocytosis Gerald E. Marti
- Re: 4 color flow Kai Toellner
- flowers Alice L. Givan
- PI TOXICITY Immuno Flow
- Re: NK Activity KGERTIS
- Apoptosis Dr James Clark
- Re[2]: Clumping, Tetko Mesh Susan D. DEMAGGIO
- MO Data Recovery Dennis_Young@CIS.ucsd.edu
- PI toxicity DrBlood
- Re: Coulter ELITE vs BD FACScalibur Peter J Openshaw [Medicine]
- Re: Flowers! or Flow-ers! Eric Miller
- Re: 4 color flow Dave Coder
- LTT with CD 69-Assay?? Martin Wesslowski
Last message date: Thu 08 Feb 1996 - 12:16:14 EST
Archived on: Fri Feb 23 1996 - 12:26:36 EST
This archive was generated by hypermail 1.02.
CD ROM Vol 2 was produced by staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories
and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community.
If you have any comments please direct them to Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director, PUCL,
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone:(317) 494-0757; FAX (317) 494-0517; Web http://www.cyto.purdue.edu
EMAIL robinson@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu