FITC labelling of bacteria
Libutti, Daniel A. (dal7@CIDDBD2.EM.CDC.GOV)
Wed, 10 Jan 96 10:13:00 EST
Our lab has recently purchased a FACSCalibur to investigate the development
of assays to determine vaccine efficacy among other things. We initially
plan on labelling S. pneumoniae with FITC isomer 1 by incubating the bugs
with the fluorochrome at 37C for 1 hour. How does the fluorochrome stain the
cell? Is quenching a problem to be on the look out for? What other problems
might we encounter? We are all new at flow cytometry and are in the process
of building up a reference library etc. and would appreciate any help.
E-mail me at: DAL7@CIDDBD2.EM.CDC.GOV
Thank you in advance
Daniel LiButti
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