Toxicology Phenotyping, Monkey, Rat, Dog

Thu, 11 Jan 1996 03:23:00 +0000 (GMT)


This probably applys to a small group of reasearchers, and that is why I
used the awkward subject title. Any information provided will be

How many sites are performing peripheral blood lymphocyte phenotyping
for toxicology studies using the rat, mouse, monkey or dog? I am
interested in the basics (T, B, CD4, CD8, NK). Are the studies performed
routinely or reactively (based on lymphopenia for example).

Are you reporting results as relative percentages or absolute counts?
Has anyone used the instrument from Cytek to obtain absolute counts on a
FACScan. I am in the middle of a study, and the issue of percentage vs
absolute counts has been raised, although sample volumes restrict
absolute count methods for the mouse and rat.


David Abbott

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