Re: CD69 expression vs. proliferation

Bruce H. Davis, M.D. (
Wed, 07 May 1997 12:58:45 -0400

Dear collective wisdom of clinical cytometry-

I recently had to interprete a lymphocyte transformation/activation
assay on a 22 year female with history of repeated pulmonary
infections. All the usual lymphocyte subset, immunoglobulin and
complement assays were normal. However our assay for PHA and ConA (not
PWM) induced CD69 expression for T cells (not B cells) was below our
normal range, yet the proliferative response to the same antigens, as
measured by BRDU incorporation and %S phase, was normal. I have not
seen this before, nor able to find anything on a literature search. Has
anyone had or know of a similiar experience?

Bruce H. Davis
Wm. Beaumont Hospital

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