Purdue Cytometry Mailing List Archive by subject
Starting: Mon 07 Apr 1997 - 14:22:13 EST
Ending: Tue 24 Jun 1997 - 18:40:13 EST
Messages: 628
- (Fwd) bclxl and bclxs
- 2 questions
- 2',5' OAS
- 2nd Announcement/Cytometry Workshop + Course/Krakow
- 2nd European Summer School on Clinical Applications of Flow
- 4-color flow
- 4-color flow -Reply
- 5th ESACP Congress, Oslo, May 25-29, 1997
- 6th International CD meeting
- 7-AAD use with plant nuclei
- =?iso-8859-1?Q?=DF=2Dsubunit?= Ab
- adherant cells
- adherent cells
- advice
- alamar blue
- alpha4 beta7 integrin Ab
- Alveolar Macs
- Alveolar Macs + Standard Beads
- Analysis of biohaazardous materials on the flow
- and another meeting
- Annexin V staining
- Annexin V variability
- Annexin V vs TUNEL
- anti CDw109
- anti-gamma-tubulin
- anti-human hemoglobin H
- anti-murine(not anti-human)
- Anti-Rhinovirus 1A mAb
- anti-Streptavidin-PE
- Antibodies against CFTR
- Antibodies to pig HLA
- apology
- apology)
- apoptosis
- apoptosis assay for adherent cells
- Apoptosis in HT29 cells
- Asian cytometry contacts
- assistance for young cytometrists needed
- Att: Coulter Sydney
- Autofluorescence
- Autofluorescent RBC's - again!
- Automation job opening
- Avidin/APC conjugation
- B-D Data Lister- 2nd request
- Bacteria
- BD / Pharmingen
- BD's poor service
- BDIS Home Page)
- Beads for Dye Laser
- bladder washouts
- bone marrow -clinical question
- bone marrow analysis
- BUG Seminar
- BUG Seminar correction
- bulk removal of dead cells
- Ca ionophore conc for LAD markers
- Ca stores
- Cacium Measurements
- Calcium Flux
- Calcium flux in mast cells
- Caltag clone experiences
- Cancer Clinical Trials Protocols
- Canine Immunophenotyping
- carcinogenesis & fcm
- CD 45 and histocytes
- CD10
- CD2 on human B cell progenitors ?
- CD34 controls
- CD34 controls -Reply
- CD38 red conjugate
- CD5biotin needed
- CD69 expression and proliferation
- CD69 expression vs. proliferation
- CD69 vs proliferation
- Cell lines expressing tag-72
- cell membrane protein
- Cell Sorter for Sale
- CellQuest versions
- Cellular Interactions / Ploidy level relationship
- Cellular Interactions / Ploidy level relationship (fwd)
- CH3 white mice
- Charging policy of Core Facilities
- Chesapeake Cytometry Consortium June Meeting
- chromosome sorting
- Clincical Trials T-Cell Lymph. G/D H/P
- clinical case
- clinical problems etc.
- Clinical question: bone marrow
- Coherent I90 U.V. mirrors
- Combining files
- Commercial websites
- Conjugation of H2DCF To Bacteria
- Contributions for the next Purdue CD-ROM ...
- Control box for coherent innova 90
- control box for laser
- Core Facilities
- Core operating expenses
- Corrupt Bernoulli disks
- Coulter Epics Profile II For Sale
- Coulter NY/NJ Users Meeting
- Coulter's ReticOne.
- Course on Flow Cytometry
- Course on use amd maintenance of FACScan
- Current Protocols in Cytometry
- Cyclin A
- Cytofluograf Parts
- cytokeratin on the cell surface?
- Cytomation GmbH
- Cytomation MoFlow Information
- Cytometrist Position (Florida)
- Cytometry Position (UAB)
- Cytometry software
- Daily drift of EPICS XL
- Dartmouth Clinical Flow Course
- Dartmouth Flow Course
- Data analysis of oxidative burst measurements
- Data Archive Methodology
- Data storage
- Detection of FITC oligos
- Detection of FITC oligos -Reply
- DNA stain
- Don't fight the feeling with TdT and HLA-B27
- double label for dendritic cells and MVE virus antigen
- Drug studies
- e-mailable call for papers
- Eastern Europe
- EPICS Elite ESP for sale
- Excitation of Rhodamine...
- exporting cell quest data...part 2
- FACS 440 free to good home
- FACS calibur filter problems
- FACS for sale & job announcement
- FACS Vantage: Ease of installation
- FACScan cleaning and maintenance
- Facsort signal stability
- Fas receptor occupancy
- Fc Blocking
- FCM Stained Nuclei
- FCM Workshop in Portugal
- Fish by flow
- FITC labeled anti-Alk Phos?
- FL4 height loss, on FACSCalibur?
- flagellin antibody
- Flocytometry protocols for human GIT cell lines
- Flocytometry protocols for human GIT cell lines - resending
- Flow Cytometrist Position Available
- Flow Cytometry Core Manager
- flow facility workshop
- Flow Position
- Flow Position Offered
- Flow Supervisor
- Fluo-3 analysis
- Fluorescence intensities by image analysis --- steering assistance
- FMC7 and intermediate lymphoma
- For Bill who helped Lyndal
- For Sale Elite Sorter
- Free analysis software (In search of...)
- FTIC + PI (fwd)
- FW: DNA stain
- FW: whereabouts of Jim Seeb
- G2/M interpretation
- Ganglioside GD2 antibody source
- gfp and bfp
- GFP and Krypton lasers
- Golf Abs
- Green HeNe laser
- Green HeNe Laser - TexasRed/Cy3
- Helium/Cadnium laser
- Help for Flow TUNEL analysis
- HELP! HP bernoulli question
- Help!!
- Hematopathology Fellowship
- Hemoglobin H
- Hepatic Splentic gamma-Delta T-cell Lymphoma
- HLA B27 and Coulter XL
- HLA sensitization sans prior exposure
- HLA Typing Kit
- HLA-B27
- How to make Attractors read FCS files
- HP 98753A monitor
- HP Consort 32 systems for sale
- human gastrointestinal cell line pairs
- ICE mAbs
- Identification of Eosinophils in Flow Cytometry
- Identification of Eosinophils in Flow Cytometry -Reply
- IL-4 & gamma interferon
- IL12 producing human cell line
- Immunohistochemistry Position (Virginia)
- Inability of Attractors to read Coulter files
- INDO-1 Calibration
- Info
- Insulin
- Interferon gamma receptor
- internalization of antibodies
- Intracellular cytokines in monocytes
- Intracellular cytokines in monocytes (fwd)
- intracellular rat cytokine mAbs
- Intro to flow
- ISAC Council meeting agenda
- ISAC Toronto Conference: Abstracts on-line
- ISAC Toronto Sam Latt Conference: The Electronic Workshops
- Isotype Concentrations
- Isotype summary
- Isotypes for CD4 testing?
- Job description - gene delivery to lung
- Job in Boston, Specialty Tech FACS
- Job opening
- Job Posting
- Jurkat marker
- Jurkat surface-marker
- laboratory interface systems
- Laser control box for coherent innova 90
- Laser for sale in Australia
- Linscott's Directory
- Linscott's/Lex A Antibody
- Liver dual staining
- looking for flow resources for 35mm slides
- Looking for someone...
- looking to buy used Facstar Plus or Vantage
- Lymphocyte subsets in chicken blood
- Lysis of Heparinised blood, fixation and PE fluorescence
- mabs against NK
- MacLogin
- Manuscripts for Communications in Clinical Cytometry
- Many thanks for Dr. Ormerod
- Many thanks to Dr.Ormerod!
- Matrix metalloproteinase Inhibitors
- MCP-3 antigen and antibody
- MDADS II disk drives
- MDADS II disk drives -Reply
- measure c-myc by flow?
- Methods for sorting viable X and Y sperm
- Mitotrack
- More Flow Cytometry at SPIE
- More on Flow Tdt
- Mouse splenocyte B/T cells
- multiuser instruments
- multiuser instruments cleaning
- Murine intestinal epithelial antibody search
- Murine intestinal epitÉ
- Murine Transferin TX-RED
- murine v-Beta antibodies
- Need Memory; 600mb Optical Disk
- New Macintosh-based FACS Data Analysis Program!
- NF-kappa-B
- NK percentages in peripheral blood
- None
- Normal and abnormal pairs human gastrointestinal cell lines
- Northern Encounters Arts Festival / Sam Latt Conference
- NY/NJ Flow Cytometry User Group Meeting
- NY/NJ Flow Cytometry Users Meeting
- NY/NJ Flow Users Group Meeting
- nylon mesh
- nylon mesh fabric
- Oncor Image
- One more web page
- Operating in the red
- Optimization of Leukocyte integrin upregulation
- Oxyburst reagents
- PARTEC Sorters
- Password programs for the Mac
- Password programs for the Mac + Some comments to list
- PE conjuagtes
- PE conjugates
- PE-Cy5 on Facscalibur
- per cent S phase cells
- percentage NKs in whole blood
- Peyer's patch cells staining
- pH measurements
- pH measurements -Reply
- PHA-LCM/mix
- phosphatase substrates
- PI Staining
- PI staining w/ PBMC
- PI staining w/ PBMC -Reply
- Pittsburgh seminar
- Plasma membrane staining
- Platelet GpV monoclonal antibody
- Platelet testing
- Platelet testing -Reply
- please post the following flow positions
- Please post the following position
- Porcine Cytokine Antibodies
- Position available
- Position available (Australia)
- Position Available (Florida, USA)
- Position Available - Field Service Engineer, Flow Cytometry
- Position available in Boston
- Position Open - UAB
- Position Opening
- Position Wanted
- Position wanted - Atlanta
- Position(s) Available
- Positions available
- POSTDOC Position NOW!!!
- Postdoctoral position
- problem in sending e-mail
- Profile II For Sale
- Profile printer
- proflavine
- Proliferation index and apoptosis
- pulse processing in cell cycle analysis
- quantitative determination of cytotoxic activity of human NK cells
- Questions on Trypan Blue
- R.ob McGilp, where are you
- RAM for HP340
- RAM for HP340 -Reply
- RAM List
- re CDw109
- RE: PI Cell Cycle + FITC-Ab (Was Help!!)
- RE: PI staining
- RE: Annexin V staining
- RE: anti-HLA mAb
- RE: apoptosis
- RE: Avidin conjugation of antibody
- RE: Beads for Dye Laser
- RE: Coulter Sydney
- RE: Daily drift of EPICS XL
- RE: Data Archive
- RE: Data Archive: SOLUTION
- RE: double label for dendritic cells and MVE virus antigen
- RE: Drug studies
- RE: Excitation of Rhodamine...
- RE: FACS calibur filter problems
- RE: Fas receptor occupancy
- RE: Hepatic Splentic gamma-Delta T-cell Lymphoma
- RE: Jurkat marker
- RE: low LS events in apoptosis
- RE: None
- RE: nylon mesh
- RE: PHA-LCM/mix
- RE: PI staining w/ PBMC
- RE: Proliferation index and apoptosis
- RE: R.ob McGilp, where are you
- RE: Sorting Question --- look Ma, no satellites!!!
- Re[2]: CLINICAL question: bone marrow
- Re[2]: viability post fixation
- Recharge accounts and federal regulation of them?????
- recombinant Annexin V
- Removal of adherent cells
- reply - CD34 controls
- Reporter gene + cytoplasmic Ab
- Reporter gene + cytoplasmic Ab RESPONSES!
- Require some flow slides for lecture
- Response to Andy Riddell
- Response to Lyndal Russell
- Robert Pyle's query... where are you Rob?
- Sam Latt Conference - extension of abstract deadline
- Sam Latt Conference update
- San Diego User's Group
- Scrounging for parts
- Seeking position
- Slightly off topic
- SNARF,FLUO1 and Fura red
- Sorting Bacteria
- Sorting of frog adrenocortical cells
- Sorting onto Slides
- Sorting Question
- Steve Micko
- Sticking it to PBMCs
- Stimulation of T-cells
- storage of blood samples
- subscription, anti-human Ig PerCp
- Summary of biohazard inquiry
- Summary- operating in the r
- Symposium on Stratagies for cancer detection & therapy
- T ALL relapsing as AML?
- T-ALL relapsing as AML?
- Tcels and PMA
- TCR v-Beta antibodies: new question
- TdT caveat
- TdT caveat -Reply
- Tdt Negative Lymphoblasts
- Tetraploidy in mammalian cells
- Time of life CD4 T-cells
- Transmembrane potential and Antibody staining...
- Turnaround time
- Turnaround time -Reply
- viability post fixation
- Viscosity and FCM
- Viscosity Effects on FCM Analysis
- Wanted to buy: BD FACStarPLUS
- Wanted: Multiple plate microtiter reader
- Wanted: Supplier for DiIC1(5)
- Web site for Oncology Clinic in Germany
- Whatever happened to Bob Ashcroft? Anecdotes without science, but lots of art
- where's Steve ?
- WinMDI 2.5 build #10
- worm drive HELP!!!
- Yeast Cell Cycle Method
Last message date: Tue 24 Jun 1997 - 18:40:13 EST
Archived on: Mon Jul 28 1997 - 00:39:57 EST
This archive was generated by hypermail 1.02.
CD-ROM Vol 3 was produced by Monica M. Shively and other staff at the
Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge
as an educational service to the cytometry community.
If you have any comments please direct them to
Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director,
PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907.
Phone: (765)-494-0757;
FAX(765) 494-0517;