Re:CD69 expression and proliferation
Maurice R.G. O'Gorman (
Tue, 13 May 1997 09:40:47 -0500
>there is a lot of data published and unpublished supporting the lack of
>correlation between the level of CD69 expression and the level of
>proliferation, one event is measured at 4 hrs or so the other after 3 or 4
>days, obviously a lot can happen in between, differentiation, apoptosis,
>etc. In my experience it is clear that an increase in CD69 expression
>does not necessarily indicate that a cell is going to divide. The vise
>versa, I have not experienced nor heard of ie. induced proliferation
>without an increase in CD69 expression. This is a novel observation and
>warrants a
>repeat. If it is indeed reproducible, I have at least one question. In
>your assay system are the cells tested for CD69 induction stimulated in
>whole blood whereas the cells tested for proliferation stimulated as
>isolated PBL? Clearly I am thinking that you have removed some inhibitory
>substance through the isolation of the PBL. Just a thought.
>Maurice R.G. (Mo) O'Gorman
>Director Diagnostic Immunologyand Flow Cytometry Laboratories
>Children's Memorial Hospital
>Assis. Professor Pediatrics
>Northwestern University Medical School
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