Re: CLINICAL question: bone marrow

Ray Hicks (
Fri, 23 May 1997 10:41:22 +0100

I don't think that what Denise Wells wrote was particularly rude or
insulting, if one is receiving patient samples, then presumably the
results sent back affect the diagnosis and treatment of that patient. I
agree that if one isn't sure how to "gate cells (or analyze ungated cells)"
then one shouldn't accept the samples until one is.
I also think that Adrian was right to ask the list for advice.


>>>Date: Tue, 20 May 1997 12:00:27
>>>To: vladutiu@acsu.Buffalo.EDU
>>>From: Pete Macardle <Peter.Macardle>
>>>Subject: CLINICAL question: bone marrow
>>>Dear Adrian,
>>>If you are new to flow on bone marrow one of the most difficult tasks is to
>>get normal marrow to set up on. During a number of cardiac surgery
>>procedures a portion of rib is removed. If you can get ethics approval and a
>>helpful surgeon you can quickly obtain a number of normal samples to get the
>>feel of what looks right.
>>>I heartily (!) agree with Brad Sherburne, insulting criticism is not needed
>>on this board.
>>>Regards Pete
>What Adrian wrote:
>We receive more and more bone marrow aspirates for flow cytometry
>analysis. How does the group feel about the value of bone marrow analysis?
>How does one gate cells (or analyze ungated cells)? In what conditions is
>the bone marrow analysis most useful? Finally, are there references of
>general interest regarding clinical value of bone marrow analysis by flow
>Thank you in advance for your help.
>Adrian Vladutiu
>The Buffalo General Hospital
>What Denise wrote:
>Dear Adrian,
>If you do not know the answers to the above questions, you probably should
>not be accepting clinical bone marrow specimens for diagnostic purposes.
> Please refer to the European Consensus document on flow cytometry, the
>upcoming consensus protocol for flow cytometric immunophenotyping of
>hematopoietic malignancies from the NIH , or the numerous texts listed in the
>Wiley Cytometry Website.
>Denise A. Wells, M.D.
>HematoLogics, Inc.
>c/o Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
>Seattle, WA

Ray Hicks
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