Identification of Eosinophils in Flow Cytometry

Hoffmann, H. J. (
Tue, 17 Jun 1997 14:41:35 +0000

We work (almost) excliusively with human Eosinophils, and analyse
them on our Coulter Epics Profile II. Mostly, we purify them and do
not need to be able to identify them amongst other cells on a FS-SS
plot, which is difficult on our machiine, as they lie in the same
region as neutrophils.

I have recently dealt with someone that runs a BD FACS, and claims to
be able to identify Eosinophils as a population discrete from

As we are considering purchase of a new flow cytometer, I would like
to invite comments on the identification of eosinophils on different
flow cytometers.

thanks very much!
Hans Juergen Hoffmann - Lung Research Clinic
Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark

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