New Macintosh-based FACS Data Analysis Program!

Mario Roederer (Roederer@Beadle.Stanford.EDU)
Tue, 24 Jun 97 07:07:20 -0800

I am pleased to announce that the Macintosh-based FACS data analysis program
that we developed here at Stanford is now available to everyone! The program,
"FlowJo", is based on an entirely new paradigm of data analysis and
presentation, drawing in part on the long history of advanced techniques
developed in the Herzenberg laboratory over the past 30 years. The fundamental
basis of the program was presented at a poster session at ISAC in Rimini last
year. I fimly believe that FlowJo will have a lasting and positive impact on
how flow cytometry data is analyzed and presented.

The major advantage of this program is its novel approach to batch analysis: no
more "keyboard macros"! Rather, it uses an intuitive click-and-drag approach.
FlowJo presents an environment to you that is akin to a laboratory notebook: it
saves all of the analyses (gatings and statistics that you do) in a "workspace
document". When you load subsequent experiments, you can specify that all of
the gating, graphs, and statistics that you have already performed should be
applied automatically--saving enormous amounts of time.

FlowJo has many graph types, including "Probability Contour" plots, using the
optimal contouring algorithm (which has been incorrectly implemented in other
software packages). In addition, FlowJo allows you to perform software
compensation, export gated data for analysis by other programs... Creating
publication quality graphics is a snap: you can easily copy simple or complex
graphical layous, or tables of statistics, into drawing programs or

For more information on how to download this program, visit the web site
"". (Stanford, which is a great place for
developing new software but not necessarily for supporting it, has licensed
FlowJo to TreeStar, a local company committed to continued support and

A fully functional version of the program can be downloaded for free. (And yes,
it reads data files from ALL manufacturers, as long it is in FCS format!) At
this site listed above, you can also download or view a tutorial that will show
you how powerful this program is.


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CD-ROM Vol 3 was produced by Monica M. Shively and other staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community. If you have any comments please direct them to Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director, PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone: (765)-494-0757; FAX(765) 494-0517; Web , EMAIL