Re: enumeration of CD34+ cells

Wayne Green (
Tue, 10 Dec 1996 10:28:19 -0700

Hello Glenda:
While there is no offically recognized "standard protocol" for CD34
enumeration, efforts are on-going in this arena. Of particular interest is the
protocol being proposed and tested by ISHAGE ( Int. Soc. for Hematotherapy &
Graft Engineering). Their journal (J. Hematotherapy) published a special issue
devoted to "The Evaluation of CD34+ Cells" in June, 1996 (Vol. 5, No. 3). One
of the articles by Sutherland, et al. (page 213) describes the ISHAGE protocol
which does use CD45-FITC as a positive leukocyte gate and CD34-PE for stem cell
The ISHAGE protocol is currently undergoing prospective evaluation by
10-12 labs using a variety of clinically oriented instruments. Although this
may not be the final protocol accepted in all clinical labs, it is a good start
and provides a very informative discussion of technique, antibodies and
Good luck!


Wayne Green

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