Re: BD fastimmune system

Michelle N Fiordalisi (
Fri, 21 Feb 1997 08:44:21 -0500 (EST)

I have been working with BDs FastImmune anti-IFNg and anti-IL-4
antibodies for about 2 months (but only with normal controls) and have
been very pleased with the results. I have been following BD's protocol
and have had success with each experiment. I have used both the
IFNg/IL-4 combo with the isotype combo and individual reagents with
success. Although BD sells a special formulation of IgG1 PE, I have been
titering their standard formulation and think it will work nearly as well
as a control for IL-4 PE.

I have not tried using saponin for permeablization but will be comparing
BD's FACSPerm to Caltag's Fix N' Perm.

If you would like more details, please email me directly.

-- Michelle
Michelle N. Fiordalisi, Ph.D.
Clinical Immunology Fellow
University of North Carolina Hospitals
Phone: 919-966-4058 FAX: 919-966-0486

On Thu, 20 Feb 1997, Vishal Gulati wrote:

> Hi! Has anyone on the list used BD Fastimmune Intracellular cytokine
> staining reagents. I have been using 'conventional' indirectly lablled
> cytokine antibodies and am planning to switch over.
> Also, has someone compared saponin with BD/any other commercial
> permeablising reagent .
> Id be grateful if those of you out here in the know of things share their
> experiences.
> Thanks in advance
> Bye
> Vishal

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