Re: Sorting Bacteria

Jeanette Drew (
Tue, 8 Apr 1997 22:48:12 +0800 (WST)

>Date: Tue, 08 Apr 1997 22:51:56
>To: "Barren, Phil" <>
>From: Jeanette Drew <>
>Subject: Re: Sorting Bacteria
>Dear Phil,
>Whilst I do not have any experience with sorting bacteria, I can provide
some references/names that may be useful. Coulter Electronics published an
article in their Viewpoint magazine (Issue #16, Oct 1993) written with
assistance from Dr Andrew Bradley and Gerhard Nebe-v.Caron at Unilever
Research, Innunology Section, Sharnbrook, Bedford, which gave details of
resolving Strep A using their Elite using labelled Ab & PI. They also
discussed a number of flow analyses which could be performed in conjunction
with surface labelling, without recourse to culture.
>The use of nucleic acids for the examination of bacteria has been widely
discussed in the literature as bacteria can be differentiated with fine
specificity based on the GC versus AT content of their DNA.
>A text that I obtained a few years ago also has some nice contributions,
mostly from research microbiologists who used FCM to study a diverse range
of problems. Although I cannot find any specific information on Strep or
your query as described in your correspondence, you may find relevant
instruction within the text.
>The details of the book are:
>Flow Cytometry in Microbiology
>David Lloyd (Ed.)
>UK, 1993.
>I hope you can access this text and that it is useful to you.
>Good Luck,
Jeanette Drew
Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
University of Western Australia / King Edward Memorial Hospital
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