re CDw109

D. Robert Sutherland (
Tue, 15 Apr 1997 20:07:02 -0400

Dear Pat,

As of the 6th HLDA Workshop held in Osaka, Japan last November, CDw109
antibodies have shed their 'working' designation and are now CD109

CDw109 antibody clone D2 was made by Dr. Robert W. Finberg,
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, 44 Binney Street, JFB 424, Boston MA
02115 (Haregewoin A., Solomon K., Hom R.C., Soman G., Bergelson J.M.,
Bhan A.K. and Finberg R.W. Cellular Immunology 156, 357-70, 1994).
This antibody was raised against a Gibbon CTLL cell line and was found
to cross-react with the human CDw109 antigen as defined by antibodies
8A3 and 7D1 (Sutherland D.R., Yeo E., Ryan A., Mills G.B., Bailey D.
and Baker M.A. Blood 77 84-93, 1991) at the 5th Workshop held in
Boston in 1993 (Sutherland DR and Yeo EL. Cluster report: CDw109. In:
Leukocyte Typing V (Schlossman S., et al eds.) Oxford University
Press, Oxford pp 1767-1769, 1995). A number of other CD109 antibodies
were defined at the 6th Workshop and if you would like any further
information on these reagents, you can contact me on one of the
numbers listed below.

I hope this is helpful,

D. Robert Sutherland,
Chair, CD109 section,
Endothelial Cell Section,
6th HLDA Workshop,
Oncology Research,
The Toronto Hospital.
Tel: 416 340 4054
Fax: 415-340 3453

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