Methods for sorting viable X and Y sperm
Mon, 16 Jun 1997 11:56:27 -0600 (CST)

What kind of methods are being used to sort viable X and sperm in particular
bull sperm. A graduate student has brought me some older literature
describing sorting on differences in DNA content using specialized adaptors
to maintain consistent orientation of the sperm as they pass through the flow
cell. Is it possible to use FITC oligos to specific regions of the Y
chromosome to accomplish this? I have sent the graduate student back to search
out more on this possibility, but am wondering if anyone out there is already
doing this or has found it to be impossible, or is using another even more
elegant method? The graduate student is quite keen and quite green so I am
trying to make sure he isn't biting off more than he can chew.


BJC - Brian

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